Tessi iz DT and Red Bull iz DT on the Cup of Tver! (27.06.2015)
under previous reservation (12.03.2014)
Rottweiler's puppies for sale from a visiting matings in Germany.
Puppies were born!!! (08.03.2014)
Rottweiler puppies were born
new pictures Baccara iz DT (02.03.2014)
new pictures, training in Kuskovo (19.02.2014)
HEKTOR + TESSI (17.02.2014)
Happy birthday, Tessi!!! (13.02.2014)
Today is the birthday of our Tessi!!!
Cup of Russia 2013 (01.11.2013)
1 -3 November 2013 was the Cup of Russia IPO in Zheleznovodsk.
Our team "Best" took 1 place...
Baccara iz DT - OKD 94b (28.09.2013)
Baccara iz Doma Torra
a few photos from ADRK (18.08.2013)
August 17 - 18, 2013
in Rottweil, Germany, ADRK
Bonapart iz DT - OKD!!! (15.03.2013)
Bonapart iz Doma Torra 16 months old
the son of Imperator v HZ and our Tessi iz DT
new pictures Bayaderka iz DT (10.03.2013)
Bayaderka iz Doma Torra 16 months old